Good cow flow is very important on farm, it allows the cow to express their natural
behaviors, reduces animal anxiety and improves animal well-being
behaviors, reduces animal anxiety and improves animal well-being
Reducing human intervention with animals minimises unnecessary stress on the animal.
SenseHub livestock intelligence Drafting System uniquely segregates cows based on specific
requirements set by the farmer.
SenseHub livestock intelligence Drafting System uniquely segregates cows based on specific
requirements set by the farmer.

- It automatically segregates cows in heat or with health distress via the collar.
- Early detection of cow illnesses facilitates rapid remedial action and improves overall animal welfare and performance.
- Eliminates human interaction during the drafting process
SenseHub Drafting System has multi-sensor controls to accurately draft cows that need attention (ie, for artificial insemination, lameness (hoof trimming), tail trimming, foot-bath, drying-off, general segregation etc). It allows the cow to move at her own pace and get drafted with minimal stress.
Our Sales team survey the yard to assess the best location for the Drafting System to optimise cow flow. The Sorting Gate is a steel frame 6m long and 1.2m wide that is fixed to the ground. It can be 2-way or 3-way depending on your requirements. To function it requires an air compressor capable of 6 bar pressure and electric source (220VAC).
Our Sales team survey the yard to assess the best location for the Drafting System to optimise cow flow. The Sorting Gate is a steel frame 6m long and 1.2m wide that is fixed to the ground. It can be 2-way or 3-way depending on your requirements. To function it requires an air compressor capable of 6 bar pressure and electric source (220VAC).
MANUAL MODE’ where the user can override the automatic selection mode, by manually entering which cows to select. Cows can also be dynamically selected for sorting by the operator during milking.
AUTOMATIC MODE where the system identifies the cows passing thought it by using LD identification, also in conjunction with the DataFlow™ II+ system.
AUTOMATIC MODE where the system identifies the cows passing thought it by using LD identification, also in conjunction with the DataFlow™ II+ system.

- Automatically controls the flow of cows.
- Reduces time and labour around segregating stock.
- Automated drafting – animals to AI, treat for lameness, health issues etc.
- Reduced animal stress during sorting, by taking out human intervention.

Less time spent searching and
fetching cows.
Sort for insemination or health
treatments easily and quickly.
No interrupting to normal cow flow.
Robust design allows reliable, 24/7
Sorts cows automatically
…“improves cow welfare, efficiency,
saves time and reduces labour”…

..if a cow is off form, it sends me an alert to say she is not eating properly, the system picks her up before you pick her up… the Drafting System is cutting 20 minutes off each milking and the cows got used to the Drafting System in one day.
Johnny Flanagan, Horse & Jockey, Thurles,
Tipperary 145 spring calving cows.
Tipperary 145 spring calving cows.
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When I am away from the herd, it is great to know that when a cow is sick, I will know before the person in the parlour….I bought SenseHub to make life easier for myself… I don’t have to spend early mornings and late evenings checking if tail paint gone and also not having to tail paint saves a lot of time.
Gearoid Ryan, Two-Mile-Borris,
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Prior to the SenseHub collars the only form of heat detection was tail paint…the first benefit with going with the collars was we went 100% AI, which allows maximum flexibility year in and year out to implement the breeding system we want. The second benefit was we reduced our breeding season from 12 weeks to 10 weeks and submitted 97% in 3 weeks and had a conception rate of 73%... the Drafting System is critical as all elements works under the one brain… it automatically drafts out the animals
Enda Walsh, Oranmore,
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Fits into the drafting gate lovely…. the cows got a strong dose for week to 10 days and within 3-5 you could see an improvement… it took cases from 25% mortellaro to 3%.....it works super, I could not recommend it enough and the fitting and service was super… money well spent
Noel Keane, Kilbaha,
Co. Clare (200 cows)
Co. Clare (200 cows)
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I had the old Heatime system … and upgraded 18 months ago to SenseHub and it’s a good upgrade. It worked very good this year. Any cows bulling, they were drafted out when every they needed to be taken out. I’d recommend it to anyone. Especially for anyone working on their own. It’s a one-man system here. It’s very handy for AI and drafting cows. It works with a drafting gate… I do my own AI… the cows are there ready to be done
Bernard O’Gorman, Taghmon,
Co. Wexford (120 cows)
Co. Wexford (120 cows)
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Pre-breeding alone is very useful, you can check 3 weeks pre-breeding and do your intervention with cows not cycling, just off the report on the SenseHub system…very happy with the Drafting System, it hasn’t missed a cow yet… anything bulling gets drafted
David Melody, Farm Manager,
Beechgrove Farm, Clara, Kilkenny
Beechgrove Farm, Clara, Kilkenny
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I find it fantastic, it’s easy to use, quick to clean out, lame cows are drafted through morning and evening. There is no problem with cows walking through it. I had the plastic footbaths and it was hard to get them to walk through it… It’s absolutely fantastic and I have the choice of detergents I can use in it as well
Michael Power, Kilmanagh,
Co. Kilkenny (200 cows)
Co. Kilkenny (200 cows)
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