Big drop in lameness with a very convenient footbath
Alfie Byrne, a well-known agricultural contractor, is farming on the Wexford/Carlow border nestled between the Blackstairs and the river Slaney in the picturesque village of Kildavin, Co. Carlow
It was installed in the Draft System and it hasn’t affected cow flow.
“Post-instillation, within three days we could see the hooves improving” remarks John.
Prior to using Hoofcount he had 20-25% mortellaro in the herd and this has gone gown to 3% with Hoofcount.
“It works super and we could not recommend it enough. One cow that had bad mortellaro for a year, cannot be found now as it has cleared up, it had done that good of a job. It was money well spent”.
“There are two pumps for two different chemicals, in our herd we have it on cow-count and it changes after 100 cows. It empties and washes itself out very quickly. It is good to have plenty of pressure to clean out and fill-faster. There is a lovely rubber on the floor, so cows are not nervous crossing over the bath and there is no noise. It takes 110 seconds to refill. It is really a trouble-free system”, concludes John.