SenseHub™ BEEF
Flexible, high-performance Suckler Cow monitoring that
meets your needs today and long into the future.
The SenseHub™ Beef monitoring solution brings a new management approach to the beef cattle sector. A smart, modular cow monitoring solution, SenseHub Beef delivers actionable information on the reproduction, health, and wellbeing status of individual cows and groups.
Advance your reproduction
strategies with accurate
heat and pregnancy insight
- Fast return on investment, with a shorter calving interval.
- Unmatched heat detection accuracy that enables precise insemination timing, to optimize conception rates.
- Reduce hormone usage and labour costs.
- Detect cows that aborted.
- Early-stage detection of anestrous cows.
- Increase the value of calves, with a shortened calving season.
- Reduce the need for bulls on your farm.

Optimize health treatments, interventions, and
overall cow wellbeing
- Early detection of health issues, enabling pre-emptive action.
- Fast insight into the effectiveness of veterinary treatment.
- Online/text alerts of urgent distress cases.
- Recovery monitoring after calving.
- Monitoring the mother after calf separation.
Improve group and nutrition management
- Group Routine and Heat Stress monitoring.
- Group consistency – get insight on how feeding changes are affecting your cows.