Peak performance annually is from March to October, which is an ideal technology option for
on dairy farms (eg robotic dairy units etc), poultry and pig farms – which can be very
significant users of electricity.s.
on dairy farms (eg robotic dairy units etc), poultry and pig farms – which can be very
significant users of electricity.s.

World reknown heat and health monitoring system

- Significantly reduce Electricity cost.
- Payback period as low as 4-7 years.
- Accelerated capital allowances, SEAI & TAMS Grants available.
- Battery systems available to store electricity.
- Protect against carbon tax.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) is the process of converting energy from daylight and the sun into electricity. The
technology is well proven, dependable and its costs have reduced by over 80% in the past 10 years
through a combination of increased efficiency and lower manufacturing and raw material costs.
This, combined with electricity prices trending upwards and various grant supports available makes a
Solar PV install a very viable option for farm families to help run their homes and/or farm. It is also
Government policy to electrify heating and transport going forward and being able to generate your own
electricity is going to be even more valuable.
The economics for solar PV work best when all of the electricity generated is used on the farm or home.
Today Solar PV has become a major source of renewable energy across the world with deployment
doubling every year and Solar PV now accounts for over 2% of the world’s electricity generation and is
expected to grow exponentially in the years ahead. The industry in Ireland is about to take off.
Solar PV electricity generation works very well under Irish conditions and our
wet weather has the added benefit of helping to ensure that the solar panels are
kept clean. The output from Solar PV is quite predictable, varying from 900kwh
to 1000kwh per year per KwP installed - depending on the part of Ireland and on
whether the panels are facing south or east/west. It is not recommended to face
panels north unless the roof space is almost flat. Solar panels also work well on
flat roof spaces tilted south or east west.
Solar PV generation systems can be remotely monitored and house holders or
farms will be able to see the energy generated hourly, daily, yearly etc and also
what they are buying from the grid, thus educating themselves on their energy
usage which is a very positive thing.
Solar PV generates energy in a bell-shaped curve between February and
November and is very much in line with the electricity demands on dairy farms.
Not alone that, but daily output will vary depending on the way the panels are
facing. While historically everyone said to face the panels south the current
advice for self-consumption projects is to set them east-west, if possible, for a
more even daily generation of electricity output.
With Ireland’s only Kw/h output Guarantee (Guaranteed generation of units of
electricity in a 12-month period), 25-year output guarantee, no moving parts and
very little maintenance - AEI are the farms choice for solar PV.

..if a cow is off form, it sends me an alert to say she is not eating properly, the system picks her up before you pick her up… the Drafting System is cutting 20 minutes off each milking and the cows got used to the Drafting System in one day.
Johnny Flanagan, Horse & Jockey, Thurles,
Tipperary 145 spring calving cows.
Tipperary 145 spring calving cows.
Click Here
When I am away from the herd, it is great to know that when a cow is sick, I will know before the person in the parlour….I bought SenseHub to make life easier for myself… I don’t have to spend early mornings and late evenings checking if tail paint gone and also not having to tail paint saves a lot of time.
Gearoid Ryan, Two-Mile-Borris,
Click Here
Prior to the SenseHub collars the only form of heat detection was tail paint…the first benefit with going with the collars was we went 100% AI, which allows maximum flexibility year in and year out to implement the breeding system we want. The second benefit was we reduced our breeding season from 12 weeks to 10 weeks and submitted 97% in 3 weeks and had a conception rate of 73%... the Drafting System is critical as all elements works under the one brain… it automatically drafts out the animals
Enda Walsh, Oranmore,
Click Here
Fits into the drafting gate lovely…. the cows got a strong dose for week to 10 days and within 3-5 you could see an improvement… it took cases from 25% mortellaro to 3%.....it works super, I could not recommend it enough and the fitting and service was super… money well spent
Noel Keane, Kilbaha,
Co. Clare (200 cows)
Co. Clare (200 cows)
Click Here
I had the old Heatime system … and upgraded 18 months ago to SenseHub and it’s a good upgrade. It worked very good this year. Any cows bulling, they were drafted out when every they needed to be taken out. I’d recommend it to anyone. Especially for anyone working on their own. It’s a one-man system here. It’s very handy for AI and drafting cows. It works with a drafting gate… I do my own AI… the cows are there ready to be done
Bernard O’Gorman, Taghmon,
Co. Wexford (120 cows)
Co. Wexford (120 cows)
Click Here
Pre-breeding alone is very useful, you can check 3 weeks pre-breeding and do your intervention with cows not cycling, just off the report on the SenseHub system…very happy with the Drafting System, it hasn’t missed a cow yet… anything bulling gets drafted
David Melody, Farm Manager,
Beechgrove Farm, Clara, Kilkenny
Beechgrove Farm, Clara, Kilkenny
Click Here
I find it fantastic, it’s easy to use, quick to clean out, lame cows are drafted through morning and evening. There is no problem with cows walking through it. I had the plastic footbaths and it was hard to get them to walk through it… It’s absolutely fantastic and I have the choice of detergents I can use in it as well
Michael Power, Kilmanagh,
Co. Kilkenny (200 cows)
Co. Kilkenny (200 cows)
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The Solar Panels works very well with the Milking Robot, when there is daylight, they are creating energy….AEI came out and did a plan of the farm to see what works out best…the standard of instillation was very high…. AEI gave great advice on grants and finance options.
Liam Delaney, Portlaoise, Laois
AEI came out and told us what their system would do and wouldn’t do… great advice on Grants…we went for a 30KW system that can be easily added to down the road with extra panels…
John Downey, The Rower, Kilkenny
We were at a farm demo and saw the Solar PV Panels there and then progressed from there… AEI came out and surveyed the farm…they were very professional…
Gwen & Trevor Carnegie, Rosenallis, Laois
I looked at various forms of renewable energy system to reduce costs and decided Solar PV was the best option for my farm…the solar PV panels could go up neatly onto the roofs and wouldn’t intrude in any space… it also helps supply a lot of hot water which takes pressure-off water heaters and also supply a fair bit of the running costs for an Automatic Calf Feeder.
Jonathan Fennell, Carlow
AEI came out, assessed my farm, looked at my ESB bills and recommended a 20KW solar PV instillation…the instillation process was seamless and didn’t interrupt the day to day process of running my farm…I believe green energy is the future of farming in Ireland
Liam Ryan, The Rower, Kilkenny
With solar PV power you have continuous power throughout the day, which suits the robot system… we are always looking at ways to reduce costs… plus reduce the carbon footprint of the farm…. We found AEI very professional to deal with… it will have a 5.5 year payback
Michael Callan, Louth